Trapezius Middle


Location: In the upper back and neck, running from the base of the skull to the middle of the back, and out to the shoulders.


Group: Shoulder
Subgroup: Trapezius
Side(s) of body: Back
Function/action: Scapular Retractor


Joint: Scapulothoracic, Sternoclavicular, Thoracic
Bone: Scapula, Clavicle, Thoracic Vertebrae
Origin: Spinous processes of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae (C7-T4).
Insertion: Medial margin of the scapula, between the spine and the inferior angle of the scapula.


Primary muscle in: Seated Cable Row, Dumbbell Row, Dumbbell Seal Row, One Arm Seated Cable Row, Bent Over Row, Chest Supported Dumbbell Row, Machine Row, Meadows Row, Seal Row, T Bar Row, Yates Row, Renegade Row, Inverted Row, Table Inverted Row, Clean High Pull, Clean Pull, Dumbbell High Pull, Snatch Pull, Bag Row, Pendlay Row, Dumbbell Snatch, Hang Snatch, Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Snatch
Secondary muscle in: Face Pull, Cable Lateral Raise, Lat Pulldown, Overhead Press, One Arm Face Pull, Dumbbell Incline Y Raise, Lateral Raise, Machine Lateral Raise, Dumbbell Shoulder Press, One Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Seated Overhead Press, Upright Row, Dip, Seated Dip Machine, Dumbbell Face Pull, Chin Up, Close Grip Lat Pulldown, Neutral Grip Pull Up, One Arm Lat Pulldown, Pull Up, Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown, Cable Reverse Fly, Dumbbell Reverse Fly, Machine Reverse Fly, Arnold Press, Landmine Press, Machine Shoulder Press, One Arm Landmine Press, Smith Machine Overhead Press, Barbell Shrug, Cable Shrug, Dumbbell Shrug, Machine Shrug, Smith Machine Shrug, Trap Bar Shrug, Cable Upright Row, Dumbbell Upright Row, Smith Machine Upright Row, Bench Dip, Ring Dip, Cable External Rotation, Dumbbell External Rotation, Dumbbell Lying External Rotation, Closet Pull Up, One Arm Pull Up, Seated Table Pull Up, Muscle Up, Ring Muscle Up, Behind The Neck Press, Dumbbell Z Press, Handstand Push Up, Log Press, Shoulder Pin Press, Viking Press, Z Press, Pike Push Up, Behind The Back Barbell Shrug, Clean, Dumbbell Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Hang Power Clean, Power Clean, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Press, Dumbbell Clean and Press, Lying Bag Face Pull, Lying Bodyweight Y Raise, Standing Bodyweight Y Raise, Bag Lateral Raise, Chair Lateral Raise, Jumping Jack, Dumbbell Push Press, Dumbbell Thruster, Push Press, Thruster, Wall Ball, Barbell Power Shrug, Overhead Squat