

Location: In the upper arm, deep beneath the biceps brachii, connecting the humerus to the ulna.


Group: Elbow and Radioulnar
Side(s) of body: Front
Function/action: Elbow Flexor


Joint: Elbow
Bone: Humerus, Ulna
Origin: Anterior surface of humerus.
Insertion: Coronoid process of ulna.


Primary muscle in: Dumbbell Preacher Curl, Lat Pulldown, Cable Biceps Curl, Cable Hammer Curl, Concentration Curl, Dumbbell Curl, EZ Bar Curl, Hammer Curl, Incline Cable Curl, Incline Dumbbell Curl, Incline Hammer Curl, Machine Biceps Curl, One Arm Cable Biceps Curl, Preacher Curl, Barbell Curl, Barbell Reverse Curl, Dumbbell Reverse Curl, Dumbbell Spider Curl, Spider Curl, Strict Curl, Chin Up, Close Grip Lat Pulldown, Neutral Grip Pull Up, One Arm Lat Pulldown, Pull Up, Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown, Cheat Curl, Lying Cable Curl, Overhead Cable Curl, Closet Pull Up, One Arm Pull Up, Seated Table Pull Up, Muscle Up, Ring Muscle Up, Bag Curl, Zottman Curl, Opposite Arm Resistance Curl
Secondary muscle in: Bench Press, Seated Cable Row, Dumbbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Row, Dumbbell Seal Row, One Arm Seated Cable Row, Close Grip Bench Press, Close Grip Incline Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, Machine Chest Press, Paused Bench Press, Smith Machine Bench Press, Wide Grip Bench Press, Dip, Seated Dip Machine, Bent Over Row, Chest Supported Dumbbell Row, Machine Row, Meadows Row, Seal Row, T Bar Row, Yates Row, Bench Pin Press, Crush Press, Decline Bench Press, Decline Dumbbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Floor Press, Floor Press, Larsen Press, Reverse Grip Bench Press, Spoto Press, Archer Push Up, Close Grip Push Up, Decline Push Up, Incline Push Up, One Arm Push Up, Push Up, Wide Grip Push Up, Bench Dip, Ring Dip, Muscle Up, Ring Muscle Up, Renegade Row, Inverted Row, Table Inverted Row, Cable Supination, JM Press, Tate Press, Diamond Push Up, Clean, Dumbbell Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Hang Power Clean, Power Clean, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Press, Dumbbell Clean and Press, Clean High Pull, Clean Pull, Dumbbell High Pull, Snatch Pull, Bag Row, Pendlay Row, Dumbbell Snatch, Hang Snatch, Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Snatch, Burpee