Rectus Abdominis


Location: In the abdomen, running vertically along the front of the abdominal wall.


Group: Abdominals
Side(s) of body: Front
Function/action: Trunk Flexor, Abdominal Compressor, Pelvis Stabiliser


Joint: Thoracic, Lumbar
Bone: Thoracic Vertebrae, Lumbar Vertebrae
Origin: Pubic crest and symphysis.
Insertion: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7.


Primary muscle in: Lying Leg Raise, Reverse Situp, Hanging Knee Raise, Single Leg Reverse Situp, Cable Reverse Squat, Kneeling Cable Crunch, Hanging Leg Raise, Toes To Bar, Standing Knee Raise, Decline Sit Up, Machine Seated Crunch, Sit Up, Standing Cable Crunch, Standing Leg Raise, Archer Push Up, Close Grip Push Up, Decline Push Up, Incline Push Up, One Arm Push Up, Push Up, Wide Grip Push Up, Crunch, Decline Crunch, Ab Wheel Rollout, Flutter Kick, Scissor Kick, Floor Hip Extension, Bicycle Crunch, Renegade Row, Inverted Row, Table Inverted Row, Pike Push Up, Diamond Push Up, Mountain Climber, Dumbbell Snatch, Hang Snatch, Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Snatch, Squat Thrust, Burpee
Secondary muscle in: Cable Woodchopper, Dumbbell Side Bend, Hyperextension Bench Side Bend, Bodyweight Side Bend, Russian Twist, Side Crunch, Clean, Dumbbell Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Hang Power Clean, Power Clean, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Press, Dumbbell Clean and Press, Clean High Pull, Clean Pull, Dumbbell High Pull, Snatch Pull