Create Program

Shaking Protein… Please Wait

Part 1/10

How long have you been training consistently?

Part 2/10

What would you like to focus on improving?

You can select more than one goal

How much cardio would you like to do per week?

2 hours and 30 minutes is the recommended duration


Training Segment
Part 3/10

Which body segment would you like to train?

Part 4/10

Which body part(s) would you like to focus on?

Part 5/10

Do you have any injuries?

If not, skip to the next question

Part 6/10

Change Training Split

Do you have a preferred training split?

Longer splits need shorter sessions but more days

Shorter splits need longer sessions but fewer days

Decrease Session Time

Need to further reduce time?

Use “Supersets” if you can access several training equipment at the same time

Avoid “Dropsets” for strength/power training

Avoid “Skipping Warmups” unless necessary

Set Schedule

Which days can you train?

Session Time
Part 7/10

How much time do you have for a training day?

Each color level allows for more specific targeting of muscles


Part 8/10

Where will you be training?

"Park" assumes you have pull-up and dip bars

"House" assumes you have typical furniture

Part 9/10

Do you have a preferred periodisation plan?

About You
Part 10/10

What is your gender?

What is your bodyweight?

What is the measurement unit?

When would you like to start?

Are you sure you want to submit?